Saturday 30 July 2011

Unless you've been living under a rock the last few years, you will be all too familiar with news of the economic downturn and it's effect on the Global economy.

 I recognised several years ago that in order to increase equity and fund retirement I needed to find an alternative means of income.

After years of research and attempting alternative income sources, I've discovered Internet Marketing through MLM companies the most simple, cost effective method of generating an alternative income.

Each blog tab represents an income opportunity recommended based on the following ...

* NO EXPERIENCE required
* NO SELLING (the products sell themselves & are the tools to build your business)
* LOW COST (some with no out of pocket expence via the   "Pay It Foward" strategy)
* HIGH RETURN (Replace your entire income and much, MUCH more)
* RESIDUAL INCOME (for life)
* GLOBAL Communities in over 240 countries
* SUPPORTIVE TEAMS focused on ensuring YOUR success
* Marketing TOOLS
* 100% LEGAL businesses with integrity

(Note: The entry fee's quoted in each opportunity are in $US so may equate to more or less depending on your location / payment processor fee's etc ...) 

Each opportunity is an ideal means of beating the economic recession or generating income for ...

*  Unemployed
*  Retirees
*  Families
*  Fund raising organisations
*  Charities
*  Anyone looking to generate extra income

Of course, you may choose to not pursue an alternative income in the hope that the declining economy will rebound on a reversal trend ... but what if it doesn't?

What if the state of the economy manifests into a  depression not unlike that of the 1930's.

Where will that leave you financially?

Why rely on the lottery to fund your bail out plan ... It's not going to happen!!

If you change nothing ... nothing will change.

The most successful Business Entrepeneurs succeeded through making change, stepping outside of their comprt zone and TAKING ACTION!!

The video below is a chilling depiction of what might actually happen (and probably will) 

On a positive note ...there is hope ... Wealth follows the laws of chemistry. It can neither be created or destroyed ... it merely changes hands.

Historically, More Millionaires Are Made During Times Of Economic Recession Than Any Other.

The biggest depression since the 1930's is looming, and when it does, consider this...

Never has there been a better opportunity for everyday people to generate as much wealth as now thanks to the power of the Internet.

Would the likes of Warren Buffet, Donald Trump and Robert Kyosaki (all of who endorse Network Marketing) have generated their wealth without speculating?

You could earn 25 cents interest on $5 in the bank over a year, yet a $5 investment could potentially  generate a six figure income within the same timeframe.

For the cost of a StarBucks coffee, you too can achieve financial security and live the lifestyle you desire.

Anybody now has the ability to reach out to the global population to deliver their message / opportunity.

The power of the Internet can leverage those with the desire to succeed into financial security beyond the boundaries of their imagination.

You literally have your equity to lose or an abundance of wealth to gain.

Gary Chitty
Residual Cash Income - Founder
t: +64 94351666 (NZ)   l   m: +64 273292199
e:  l  skype id: residualcashincome